Thursday, September 20, 2007

2 Weeks Old!

We are starting to get into a routine- as much of a routine as possible with a newborn! I've learned this week that there is no such thing as a *quick* errand anymore. My dad invited us over for lunch yesterday and we started getting ready at 10am and didn't actually walk out the door until after 1pm- lol! I don't mind, but it does amaze me how much longer everything takes now!

I have to admit that it is a bit lonely being at home all day but Lily and I are starting to go out more (our big outing today was grocery shopping!), which does help. I'm not someone that easily just sits still, I like to be up and about and busy so I am having to learn to adjust to this slower pace. My parents have been awesome with helping us with meals and doing laundry- it gives them more excuses to come see Lily. It's so odd seeing them as grandparents but they are loving it- my dad would hold her forever if he could.

My grandma is coming to visit this weekend. Lily is her first great-grandchild and I know she is anxious to meet her.

Being a mother is more than I ever imagined. As overwhelming and exhausting as it is at times, every moment in precious and every day I see and learn something new.

Even Babies have Bad Hair Days!

Ryan couldn't resist taking this picture- gotta love the hair!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

One Proud Mommy

Yes- I am one of those moms who cannot stop taking pictures of their little ones! :-) Here are a few from last week:

Friday, September 14, 2007

Time Flies!

Goodness- people warned me about how fast time flies once a baby arrives and they were soo right- I'm almost scared that if I blink I'll open my eyes and she'll be walking and talking!! I can't even explain how amazing it feels to be a mom- I never could have dreamed I could be so happy and so in love with someone so tiny.

Lily and I went out by ourselves for the first time today- she went to visit her grandma at work so that I could finish up some paperwork stuff at work. Of course my mom had to show her off to all of her friends which made me nervous because she is so small but I think Lily enjoyed the attention! She was so quiet and alert!

Lily's birth was a bit scary but worth every minute. Her heart did not tolerate labor well and my midwife tried to slow labor down a few times (I was progressing very quickly) to give Lily a chance to relax- but aparently my body wasn't willing to cooperate. Eventually though her heart did stabilize and we were able to avoid a c-section. When she was born her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and that is likely why her heartrate would drop so much with the contractions. She was not breathing immediately at birth and it was so heart-wrenching to watch the pediatrician whisk her to the warming table and suction her lungs and give her oxygen- I just wanted to hear her cry and when she finally did I cried too. I got to hold her about 20 minutes after she was born (which were probably the longest 20 minutes of my life!) and I didn't let her go for a very long time.

We are so happy and so blessed.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Lilyanne Sadie Moll



7lb 9oz

22 1/2inches

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Little Teaser!

So yeah...after 50+ hours of prodromal (fake) labor- I'm still pregnant. But man did that wipe me out- contractions 3-4 minutes apart and lasting a minute- I was not a happy camper! :-) We did end up going to labor and delivery around 11pm on Saturday night because I was sooo exhausted and in a lot of pain- but they couldn't really do anything because the contractions were not progressing labor at all. They said I was really too exhausted for them to try to induce the labor- and I was definitely in agreement. I really don't want to be induced anyway- I'd rather Lily come on her own terms. So, they have me the choice of staying and having an IV of morphine or going home with some narcotics to try to get some sleep...I chose to go home, I knew we would be more comfortable at home than in the hospital and I really didn't want to expose the baby to morphine. The contractions lasted until Monday morning at 8...since then I've gotten some more sleep- thank God! I'm still very sore and tired but I'm okay.

Ryan was so amazing during the whole thing. I don't know what I would have done without him. He held me and helped me through every contraction. I broke down when the midwife told us that the contractions were not progressing labor- I couldn't imagine being in so much pain for no reason. And Ryan just climbed onto the little hospital bed and held me and comforted me. I felt like such a dork. I hate crying in front of people, but I was just so tired and run down. When we got to the car I broke down again (and FYI, sobbing, contractions and a car ride don't work well together!) and he just reached over held my hand...and tried to comfort me. He stayed awake with me the whole night just holding me and helping me through the pain (and this is a man who NEEDS his sleep!)...he never once said he was tired or complained. I definitely felt loved and that is what got me through the long weekend. I think I've fallen even more in love with him after all of this!

Anyway- so yea, a rather dramatic and disappointing Labor Day weekend, but we made it through and soon enough it will all be worth it. I can't be pregnant forever! If she is not here by Thursday I have to be at the latest by Friday morning I will be holding little Lily!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Could This Be It?!?!

I should so be resting right now, but i've tried and I just don't think I'll be able to...I've been having contractions since about 2:15am- about 4min apart and 40seconds long. I seriously hope this is Lily saying she's ready because if this is a false alarm I think I might just cry! :-)

I haven't woken ryan yet because if this is it than he will need his rest for tomorrow (rather, today) as it will likely be a very long day! I'm soooo excited...come on Lily! :-) will definately be posted! The 3D one above is from Thursday...