Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My Baby is One

Gosh how fast this year has gone. To think that just over a year ago I was still pregnant anxiously awaiting my stubborn little girl.

That stubborn personality that she gave me a glimpse at last year as she had me wait 12 extra days for her arrival has shown even truer these last few months. She sure is a child after her mother's own heart!

Who would think that a 12 month old could melt-down in a grocery store because you put the can of soup, that she pulled off the shelf, back? Or that she crumple to the floor in a heap, screaming because the someone she doesn't want to see walks into the room? Or that she will push you away if you try to hug her when she is playing? Such an independent little thing!

But she knows how to make her mama smile. The other day she was playing on the floor and randomly stood up and walked over to me and kissed my cheek- and the promptly ran back to her toys. My heart melted.

On another day I randomly asked her to dance- I had no clue that she even knew what dancing was- and she does this hilarious little jig. Now every time we ask her to dance, she gets this big grin on her face and shakes her little diaper butt and bounces her knees. Gosh is she adorable!

She loves to wave and blow kisses (even to complete strangers). If she is upset all we have to do is bring her on to the front porch and she'll just sit there waving to the cars and people as they pass by- content as could be.

She loves to laugh. If people around her are laughing she feels the need to laugh as well and has this hilarious fake laugh. She also fakes coughing when someone else coughs or sneezes. Such a copycat!

The other night we were watching the Republican Convention on TV and Lily scooted herself to the edge of the couch like she was completely intrigued by what was being said and would randomly start clapping and smiling- as though she understood what they were saying. I think we might have a future republican on our hands- though we didn't watch the Democratic Convention at all so she really only knows one side of the story- LOL :). Don't worry- I'llstay away from politic on my blog.

One year old. Amazing.

From a baby that pretty much just cried, ate, pooped and slept to an independent, spirited toddler in merely 12 months time.

Last night, a woman I know only on-line, lost her 14-month-old son in a tragic accident last night.(http://edmonton.ctv.ca/servlet/an/lo...b=EdmontonHome, http://www.canada.com/edmontonjourna...6-073cff263f67, http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonton/st...d.html?ref=rss) And throughout the evening I can't help but think that I don't know how I would make it through such a tragedy. I cannot imagine the horror Sarah (his mom) felt when the cops pulled her over on her way home to tell her that her little son had passed. The guilt the father feels.

I've held Lily a little closer, a little tighter and a little longer tonight that normal. When she melted down over a toy, instead of becoming frustrated, I thanked God I have my daughter and I thank him for her safety. It only takes a second. One second for your life to change forever. One second.

Those who blame the parents, probably don't have children. Don't understand the meaning of 'constant movement'. Yes, this could have been prevented, but I cannot blame little Reed's parents. Tragedy like this can befall even the best of parents. We do our best to keep our children safe- but we aren't perfect, we cannot be perfect, and that scares the crap out of me. I know I must trust my Lily to her Father, but the fear remains.

Anyway, some happy news?

We close on our new home on Thursday!!!!


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