Thursday, September 04, 2008

Back to my Busy Life

So...after 3 weeks off of work- I am back to work. I do love my job, so it's not bad, but I am still trying to get everything completely set for the new school year.

I am also back to school. Not too bad so far but I am definitely getting a glimpse into how crazy I am going to be in a few short weeks. I really should have thought twice about taking 3 writing-intensive courses as well as a math course...and 60 hours of service learning...

We are still not in our new home...we are just finishing week 4 of living back at my parents. After 6 years of living either on my own or with just Ryan I'm not quite liking this whole lack of privacy thing or the fact that most of everything I own is in storage and I am living out of one suitcase. But it will all be worth it when we are finally 'home'.

Lily's birthday party was Saturday...can you belive that in 2 short days my baby will be one?? She is already walking and says=and understand so much. Where has the time gone...

Anyway, she just woke from a nap and we have to get ready to go...


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