Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Deep Breath...

One more month! 31 days. 4 weeks and 3 days. And my little one is due. I'm convinced she will be late. And I think I'll be in trouble if she decides to come early!

We still need to do so much...and I plan on working until Aug 24th (the day before her due date) baby needs to stay put until then! :-) School is done this week though, so that will at least free up my weekends.

We still need a lot of stuff (carseat, stroller, more clothes, etc), but I know that God will provide. Everything will come together and our baby will come home with everything she needs.

At my appointment yesterday, Lily measured exactly where she was supposed to- for the first time this pregnancy!! I am so happy- I knew she would catch up! Her heartrate was perfect and she is still headdown.

Ryan takes his electrical exam tonight. I believe he will do well, and it will bring some good changes to our family if he passes (he is considering opening his own buisness eventually). He loves electrical work, and although he does well at his current job, I know he wants to get back to doing what he loves. He has made so many sacrfices in moving to New York and I know God will honor his hard work.

We are settling into our new home. It is beautiful- but still very small. We are struggling to find storage for all of our stuff! Thankfully my mom and dad are letting us use the upper portion of their garage to put a lot of Ryan's tools and hunting gear. We went from 4 huge closets to 2 small closets and a tiny coat closet! But at least Lily has her own room and the apartment is much nicer than our older one. And in a year or so we will hopefully be in a home of our own (not that I look foward to a 7th move in 5 years!).

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Well, in about 56 days my little our will be here. At times it feels like so far away, but more and more often lately I am realizing that in less than 2 months I will be holding my own little girl. At the last ultrasound (about 5 weeks ago), she was already growing hair on her head- it was so neat to see. She is still measuring small (she's in the 34th percentile), but my midwife said that given that neither Ryan or I are big people Lily will probably just be a small baby and the midwife is no longer concerned about any health problems.

She's a fiesty little thing- anytime her daddy talks to her she feels the need to kick at him. Ryan loves this! I love feeling her move though. At first it was really weird, but now I think I might even miss it after she is born. I've heard that from now on the baby can recognize her parents voices. She is able to "practice" breathing with the amniotic fluid and open and close her eyes. It is amazing how much she has grown in the last 32 weeks- from a single cell to a beautiful baby that could survive (with some assistance eating and breathing) if she were born today. I don't think I ever realized how amazing the development of a baby is until now.

We are going on vacation with my family (camping) next week and the day we get back from there we will be moving to our new apartment. I can't wait to be in our new place- I'll finally be able to get Lily's room ready. I feel like I have so much to do before her arrival, but with moving there really isn't much I can do yet. At least with waiting it will help to make the last month pass by more quickly.

Anyway, I know this was just a long ramble about my little girl, but right now she is on my mind more than most other things (as I said, she loves to make her presence known!).