Sunday, April 20, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
A non-baby update?
Am I boring you with all that baby talk/pics yet? It's amazing how much of my life revolves around my little one. I love it and would never change a thing- but I feel a bit uncool at times, especially when I compare my life to that of those around me. So many women are waiting much longer to have babies, which means that most girls my age don't have children.
I sit in my ridiculously dry Science for Teacher's class and listen to these 20-somethings talk about their latest tatoo or the most recent stupid thing their boyfriend did or how mean their parents are, and I truly wonder how I will ever be able to entrust my precious little girl's education to their hands? I am certain that these girls would have annoyed me even before I was a mother/wife/employee/college student.
This whole entitlement mentality is mind blowing to me. These girls will sit in lab and let our professor do their work for them and not even try to figure out the difference between an alcohol chemical formula and an ketone chemical formula, and then become outraged when they score a 40 on the exam. By some stroke of luck I chose to sit with 3 students who actually take their education seriously (and who can tell the difference between a ketone and an alcohol)- we scored the only A's on the last exam- the class average was a 60.
So, life as a full-time student has been challenging. I have finally mastered the art of tuning out obnoxious 20-somethings who have no worries but getting to an 8am class before 8:20am- which has helped my stress levels considerable (less time spent being pissed at their total lack of respect for man-kind). Only 4 weeks left...I think I can do it ;)
Lily isn't thrilled with my school schedule. I try to explain that it is what is best for all of us, but I don't think she grasps that- she exemplifies her extreme distate for my school work by screaming as loud as she can every time I sit at the computer or open my "Abonormal Behavior in Children" text. Her daddy tries to comfort her...but she has my temper and often refuses to be comforted by anyone but her mommy. It's heartwarming and frustrating. But again, I wouldn't change a thing.
Work is work. I love my job. I love the kids. I just wish I could bring Lilyanne with me.
Alright- Lily is hoping that if she screams loud enough or turns a deep enough shade of purple I will stop typing- so before she cries so hard she throws up (which she has been known to do), I will try to get her to bed. Thanks for reading. Perhaps I will find time to update more later. :)
I sit in my ridiculously dry Science for Teacher's class and listen to these 20-somethings talk about their latest tatoo or the most recent stupid thing their boyfriend did or how mean their parents are, and I truly wonder how I will ever be able to entrust my precious little girl's education to their hands? I am certain that these girls would have annoyed me even before I was a mother/wife/employee/college student.
This whole entitlement mentality is mind blowing to me. These girls will sit in lab and let our professor do their work for them and not even try to figure out the difference between an alcohol chemical formula and an ketone chemical formula, and then become outraged when they score a 40 on the exam. By some stroke of luck I chose to sit with 3 students who actually take their education seriously (and who can tell the difference between a ketone and an alcohol)- we scored the only A's on the last exam- the class average was a 60.
So, life as a full-time student has been challenging. I have finally mastered the art of tuning out obnoxious 20-somethings who have no worries but getting to an 8am class before 8:20am- which has helped my stress levels considerable (less time spent being pissed at their total lack of respect for man-kind). Only 4 weeks left...I think I can do it ;)
Lily isn't thrilled with my school schedule. I try to explain that it is what is best for all of us, but I don't think she grasps that- she exemplifies her extreme distate for my school work by screaming as loud as she can every time I sit at the computer or open my "Abonormal Behavior in Children" text. Her daddy tries to comfort her...but she has my temper and often refuses to be comforted by anyone but her mommy. It's heartwarming and frustrating. But again, I wouldn't change a thing.
Work is work. I love my job. I love the kids. I just wish I could bring Lilyanne with me.
Alright- Lily is hoping that if she screams loud enough or turns a deep enough shade of purple I will stop typing- so before she cries so hard she throws up (which she has been known to do), I will try to get her to bed. Thanks for reading. Perhaps I will find time to update more later. :)