Sunday, June 08, 2008

Life changes...

Dad resigned after 22 years. His last night is Tuesday. He is off to truck driving school on Tuesday. He will complete the classes by September and then will have to travel for 6 weeks to comeplete some on-site training. He is really excited as this has been something he has wanted to do for years (his dad was a truckdriver) and he just needed a little 'push' to go for it.

I try not to worry- but aparently that is something I do a lot. I know this is what he wants and that he will enjoy it. But I worry for his safety and health. I worry about job security with the rising gas prices. I worry that Lily won't get to see him as often (and she just adores her grampy). But I am working on placing these worries in the hands of God and knowing that He has this all under control.

My sister found a job as a nanny for 2 boys starting on Tuesday. She is thrilled.

This leaves me with no one to watch Lily (as she and my dad were her primary babysitters), but I have to believe this will all work out.

I have been blessed with an amazing family and there is not one day that I do not thank God for all he has given me. My dad is one of the most important people in my life. Without his never ending love and support and guidance I know I would not be who I am today. His relationship with Lily is precious. He watches her every day and just holds her the whole time. She almost always leaps toward him as soon as she sees him and sometimes she doesn't even want to come to me when I go to pick her up. I'm thankful always that my daughter has this opportunity to have such a close relationship with her grandfather as that is something I missed a lot as a child.

Although there are many days that I struggle to get through, I know there are people I can turn to, people who will support me through the most difficult days. I rarely share with my family exactly the challenges I struggle with, but just having their love is enough to get me through a lot of it. Their love is a true reflection of the love of my heavenly Father and I know that love like that is not something all children receive.

And now it is my turn to show Lily the love of her Father...


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